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Profile details of Dr. Ashraful Alom
Name: Dr. Ashraful Alom
Designation: Assistant Professor

M.A. (GU), PH.D. (AUS), Intermediate (ASMEB)

Mobile: +919859512533

Area of interest:

Political History of Arabs (Pre Islamic, Islamic Period) and Contemporary Arabs World

Courses taught:

Arabic prose, poetry, grammar, functional Arabic, Indo- Arabic literature and contemporary Arabs World etc.
  • National and State Level Seminar:

    • Participated and presented a research paper on ‘Role of Madrassa in the revival of Arabic Language in Assam’ in a National Seminar on Arabic Teaching in Assam :Challenges and Prospects, organized by department of Arabic, ADP College, Nagoan, Assam, held on August 12 th & 13 th’ , 2017.
    • Participated and presented a research paper on ‘Historical Review of Indo- Arab Relations’ in a National Seminar on Indo- Arab Relations: Past , Present and Beyonds, organized by department of Arabic, Rangia College, Roangia, Kamrup, Assam, held on January 23 th & 34 th’ 2018.

    Faculty Development Programme (FDP):

    • Participated in One Week FDP QDA on Research Methodology for Qualitative and Quantitative data collection and Analysis, from 21 st Feb to 28 th Feb, 2022, at Eudoxia Research Centre, India
    • Participated in One Week FDP on “New Reforms in Higher Education with Reference to NEP 2020”, organized from 27 th July 2022 to 02 nd August 2022 I Collaboration with council for Teacher Education Fundation (CTEF), Delhi- NCR Chapter. Orientation Programme( FIP):
    • Participated in 4 Week Induction/ Orientation Programme for “Faculty in University / College/ Institutes of Higher Education”,from 20 May 2022 to 18 June, 2022, at Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.


    • Participated in One Week Workshop on 21 st Century: Challenges of Human Rights & Moral Values, Host: Deptt of Persian & Arabic, G.U., Sponsors: UGC, held in October 19 th -23 rd 2009 at G.U.
    • Participated in One Day Workshop on Disability Issues, Organized by Gauhati
      University Disability Unit, Gauhati University, held in February, 22 nd 2010.
    • Participated in One Day Gauhati University Workshop on New Guidelines for NAAC Assessment, Organized by B. H. College, Howly, March, 22 nd 2014.
    • Participated in One Day State- Level Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Organised by IQAC, Fakiragram College, Feb. 18 th , 2018. 

    Webinar National / International Level:

    • Participated in three day International Webinar on Teaching of Arabic Literary Texts: Methods and Approaches” organized by the Department of Arabic , Gauhati University, Gauhati, with the (India Chapter) of the International Organizationof Creativity for Peace, London from 09-09-2020 to 10-09-2020.
    • Participated in One day national Webinar on Digital Transformation, Organised by Sri Sharada Institute of Indian Management- Research, held on May 21 st 2022.
    • Participated in One day national Webinar on
  • International Journal:

    • Alom, Dr. Ashraful (2016), Sonallah Ibrahim: his life and Novels writing, Education Plus A Peer Reviewed , vol.I, no.1, 133-135.
    • Alom, Dr. Ashraful (2016), Analytical Study of the novels of Sonallah Ibrahim ‘Zaat’, Education Plus A Peer Reviewed , Vol.1, Page no.149-151.